Anna Rabiej
Gentle Women’s Yoga
Thursday 9:30-10:30am
Classes: £10 or £6 with a Karma Card
TRE: Trauma Release Exercise
Next workshop TBC
Hey, my name’s Anna!
I’m Yoga Teacher and TRE Provider.
When I started my journey with yoga, I wasn’t too sure what it meant for me, but I was sure I needed to carry on.
Once I found yoga, yoga helped me to find myself. Today I can say for sure that this practice is a continuous life changing journey. Yoga slowly and steadily came inward, softening my heart, gradually melting away the fears and worries, and making space for acceptance, gratitude and self-discovery.
After a few years of practice, I travelled to India and completed my 200 hrs Hatha Yoga Teacher Training. Becoming a yoga teacher in fact made me a forever student 🙂 There is so much to learn and share with others.
During my journey I came across TRE- tension and trauma releasing exercises. Together with yoga, they have created a wonderful duet for my body and soul. Practicing TRE helped me to shake off the layers of low self-esteem and lack of confidence, and it became a tool I can use anytime to bring more balance into my life.
But the biggest takeaway from my practices that I cherish the most- is the creation of the most beautiful relationship with my body. It’s an amazing process to start understanding the language of our body, sense like never before, feel so much more, listen and react to our body’s needs and desires.
Both Yoga & TRE, have started a beautiful dance with each other, allowing me to rediscover myself among the movements and shapes. Those practices have been blending my body, mind, and soul together, creating forever flowing oneness. And what else is yoga, if not the oneness of our body, mind, and soul?